Ready For and Equal To

At a low point in my life, I wondered, “Is this as good as it gets?” The answer led me on a quest to assemble 7 resources that would transform my happiness, health, and finances. You are welcome to use what I have learned. You will gain positive, common-sense inspiration to get from where you are to where you’d like to be.

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Not The End of Your Movie

Saturday Jun 20, 2020

Saturday Jun 20, 2020

Uncertainty is hard; we don’t like missing information.  We fill the void with worry and imagining, sometimes creating a worst-case scenario that has no connection to reality.  You may not be able to see today how your movie can have a happy ending, but a turnaround is ahead.  Times of trial and darkness are often followed by benefits that no one could have predicted.  Your movie can have a happy ending regardless of how things appear today. 

It Won't Always Be This Hard

Friday Jun 12, 2020

Friday Jun 12, 2020

When facing a tough situation for a long time, it is normal to want to give up.  But this is precisely when the tide will turn, and good things will begin to happen.  You have the strength and courage to endure whatever lies before you and reach the life you dream of. 

Overcoming Adversity

Friday Jun 12, 2020

Friday Jun 12, 2020

Why is it that some people handle adversity better than others?  When facing the same situation, why do some people wither and others blossom?  What can we learn from those who have grown through adversity?  Life lessons from a WWII survivor can help us get beyond today’s issues to a beautiful future. 

A Winning Recipe for Success

Friday Jun 12, 2020

Friday Jun 12, 2020

Hard work and character are a winning recipe for success.  The way you treat people can pay dividends, advance you, and give you advantages.  It’s the person with the whole package—knowledge and a pleasing personality—that can rise to the top and stay there at home, at work and with others.

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